Skilled Iowa Initiative Launched to Assist Employers and Workers, Stimulate Business Growth
In June, Governor Terry Brandstad unveiled the new public/private Skilled Iowa Initiative, a program that provides assurances to employers and potential employers that local workforces have the skills and abilities to fill job openings. The initiative will promote Skilled Iowa Communities, areas within the state with a certified workforce through the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) , encourage businesses to hire certified workers when applicable, and provide resources to those looking to improve their skills.
The Skilled Iowa Initiative is a critical step in improving the quality of the workforce in Iowa. The program is supported by Iowa businesses, economic development, workforce development and education to enhance the quality of Iowa's workforce and connect Iowa's employers to to the right labor pool.
"This program is the right move for our state," said Director Wahlert. "Skilled Iowa provides a universal system of assessing workers' skills and abilities for employers, as well as promoting workers' development and improvement."
The program will allow employers to determine baseline skills for potential employees. The program uses a universal testing system that rates the skills and abilities of those in Iowa's workforce, awarding an NCRC upon completion of the program. The NCRC allows workers to more accurately display their skills to current and potential employers. More details are available at the website:<>.
Skilled Iowa and the Monona County Extension Office are teaming up along with Onawa Chamber of Commerce and Monona County Economic Development to offer a group testing session for anyone who is interested in taking the NCRC testing. The testing date is limited to 20 participants and all participants need to pre-register with Keith Baker (712) 423-2175 or Sara DeAnda (712) 233-9030 x1002. Test takers are required to be registered with Iowa Workforce Development before taking the test. They can register by going to
Monona County Businesses that are members:
Bamboo Village - Onawa
Burgess Health Center – Onawa
Burgess Home Health/Hospice – Onawa
Burgess Mental Health - Onawa
Casey’s General Store
City of Onawa
Hoffman Agency - Onawa and Mapleton locations
Iowa Department of Transportation
ISU Extension Outreach – Monona County
Lyman Richey
Monona County Board of Supervisors
Monona County Commissioners
Monona County Economic Development Partnership
Monona County Sheriff
Onawa Chamber of Commerce
Schenkelberg Implement Company - Onawa
Stangel Pharmacy - Onawa
State Farm Insurance – Kevin Brandt - Onawa
State of Iowa – Iowa Department of Transportation
Sundquist Engineering – Onawa
Thelander Heating and Cooling - Onawa
West Central Community Action Agency
West Monona Community School District
Westendorf Manufacturing - Onawa
Western Iowa Power Cooperative
Western Iowa Tech Community College
In June, Governor Terry Brandstad unveiled the new public/private Skilled Iowa Initiative, a program that provides assurances to employers and potential employers that local workforces have the skills and abilities to fill job openings. The initiative will promote Skilled Iowa Communities, areas within the state with a certified workforce through the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) , encourage businesses to hire certified workers when applicable, and provide resources to those looking to improve their skills.
The Skilled Iowa Initiative is a critical step in improving the quality of the workforce in Iowa. The program is supported by Iowa businesses, economic development, workforce development and education to enhance the quality of Iowa's workforce and connect Iowa's employers to to the right labor pool.
"This program is the right move for our state," said Director Wahlert. "Skilled Iowa provides a universal system of assessing workers' skills and abilities for employers, as well as promoting workers' development and improvement."
The program will allow employers to determine baseline skills for potential employees. The program uses a universal testing system that rates the skills and abilities of those in Iowa's workforce, awarding an NCRC upon completion of the program. The NCRC allows workers to more accurately display their skills to current and potential employers. More details are available at the website:<>.
Skilled Iowa and the Monona County Extension Office are teaming up along with Onawa Chamber of Commerce and Monona County Economic Development to offer a group testing session for anyone who is interested in taking the NCRC testing. The testing date is limited to 20 participants and all participants need to pre-register with Keith Baker (712) 423-2175 or Sara DeAnda (712) 233-9030 x1002. Test takers are required to be registered with Iowa Workforce Development before taking the test. They can register by going to
Monona County Businesses that are members:
Bamboo Village - Onawa
Burgess Health Center – Onawa
Burgess Home Health/Hospice – Onawa
Burgess Mental Health - Onawa
Casey’s General Store
City of Onawa
Hoffman Agency - Onawa and Mapleton locations
Iowa Department of Transportation
ISU Extension Outreach – Monona County
Lyman Richey
Monona County Board of Supervisors
Monona County Commissioners
Monona County Economic Development Partnership
Monona County Sheriff
Onawa Chamber of Commerce
Schenkelberg Implement Company - Onawa
Stangel Pharmacy - Onawa
State Farm Insurance – Kevin Brandt - Onawa
State of Iowa – Iowa Department of Transportation
Sundquist Engineering – Onawa
Thelander Heating and Cooling - Onawa
West Central Community Action Agency
West Monona Community School District
Westendorf Manufacturing - Onawa
Western Iowa Power Cooperative
Western Iowa Tech Community College