10 Week Wellness Challenge
January 14 – March 22, 2019
Monona County Public Health would like to invite all adults and school-aged children in the county to participate in the Live Healthy Iowa 10-week Challenge and the Live Healthy Iowa Kids 10-week Wellness Challenge. This is a simple, affordable challenge that provides Iowans an opportunity to improve their health while engaging in a fun, friendly competition. The challenge begins January 14, 2019 and ends March 22, 2019.
Over the course of 10 weeks, teams consisting of 2-10 adults track their activity minutes and/or weight loss through the Live Healthy Iowa website (www.livehealthyiowa.org) or teams consisting of 5-30 children track their activity minutes and/or nutrition through the Live Healthy Iowa Kids website (www.livehealthyiowakids.org). The cost is $22 per adult. For this amount, participants receive a challenge T-shirt; weekly activity, nutrition and recipe tips via e-mail; a personal online tracking page; unlimited access to healthy recipes, health tips and more; opportunities to win individual prizes and team incentives; one-year subscription to a lifestyle magazine; and more. School-aged children may participate for free, but must have an adult team leader. For participating, school-aged children receive weekly activity and nutrition tips; an interactive web site to record physical activity and nutrition; access to lesson plans, a team captain handbook, activity tips and recipes; chances to win team and team captain incentives and monetary awards. This is a great opportunity to get schools, churches, community youth groups and the county involved.
Every team must have a team captain and the captain may register their team as soon as possible, but definitely before January 2019. The county group ID you will need to enter when you register an adult team is LHIMONONA. Please contact Live Healthy Iowa at (888) 777-8881 or [email protected] with any questions.
Adult teams may register in the "Minutes of Activity Division", the "Weight Loss Division" or both. We hope you will decide to invest the $22 registration fee and participate in this fun competition. All you need to do is decide what division or divisions would best suit you, choose your team members, a team name, a team captain, and join the fun by logging onto www.livehealthyiowa.org for adults or www.livehealthyiowakids.org for children. Adult teams, please remember to use the group ID, LHIMONONA, when registering.
The Onawa Chamber of Commerce is helping to kick off the 10-week fitness challenge by hosting a Burr Walk on Sunday, January ??, 2019 starting at the Onawa Community Center at 1:00 p.m. Registration and the health fair begins at 12:00 noon. The Burr Walk will be 1 ½ miles long. There is no cost for the walk this year to get more people out and walk. The Onawa Chamber invites all county residents to participate in this kick-off event!
January 14 – March 22, 2019
Monona County Public Health would like to invite all adults and school-aged children in the county to participate in the Live Healthy Iowa 10-week Challenge and the Live Healthy Iowa Kids 10-week Wellness Challenge. This is a simple, affordable challenge that provides Iowans an opportunity to improve their health while engaging in a fun, friendly competition. The challenge begins January 14, 2019 and ends March 22, 2019.
Over the course of 10 weeks, teams consisting of 2-10 adults track their activity minutes and/or weight loss through the Live Healthy Iowa website (www.livehealthyiowa.org) or teams consisting of 5-30 children track their activity minutes and/or nutrition through the Live Healthy Iowa Kids website (www.livehealthyiowakids.org). The cost is $22 per adult. For this amount, participants receive a challenge T-shirt; weekly activity, nutrition and recipe tips via e-mail; a personal online tracking page; unlimited access to healthy recipes, health tips and more; opportunities to win individual prizes and team incentives; one-year subscription to a lifestyle magazine; and more. School-aged children may participate for free, but must have an adult team leader. For participating, school-aged children receive weekly activity and nutrition tips; an interactive web site to record physical activity and nutrition; access to lesson plans, a team captain handbook, activity tips and recipes; chances to win team and team captain incentives and monetary awards. This is a great opportunity to get schools, churches, community youth groups and the county involved.
Every team must have a team captain and the captain may register their team as soon as possible, but definitely before January 2019. The county group ID you will need to enter when you register an adult team is LHIMONONA. Please contact Live Healthy Iowa at (888) 777-8881 or [email protected] with any questions.
Adult teams may register in the "Minutes of Activity Division", the "Weight Loss Division" or both. We hope you will decide to invest the $22 registration fee and participate in this fun competition. All you need to do is decide what division or divisions would best suit you, choose your team members, a team name, a team captain, and join the fun by logging onto www.livehealthyiowa.org for adults or www.livehealthyiowakids.org for children. Adult teams, please remember to use the group ID, LHIMONONA, when registering.
The Onawa Chamber of Commerce is helping to kick off the 10-week fitness challenge by hosting a Burr Walk on Sunday, January ??, 2019 starting at the Onawa Community Center at 1:00 p.m. Registration and the health fair begins at 12:00 noon. The Burr Walk will be 1 ½ miles long. There is no cost for the walk this year to get more people out and walk. The Onawa Chamber invites all county residents to participate in this kick-off event!