Shop Local for the Holiday's!
Saturday, December 7th the Chamber will host a free movie at 1:00 p.m. at the Iowa Theater. The movie will be Polar Express. Thank you to Long Lines who is donating a small combo (small pop and popcorn) to everyone. If you want other snacks, please bring our own money.
The lighting ceremony will take place on Monday, December 2nd at 6:00 p.m. Santa will arrive in town on a fire truck and turn on the lights for the Holiday season. Santa will stop on the South side of 9th street, by Taylor & Company, to talk to the kids and do a count down to turn the lights on. Santa will be available after the lighting ceremony at the Onawa Fire Department to visit with the kids and get their wish lists. The Chamber will be passing out postcards to Santa and a box of colors. Make sure you fill out and color the postcard and drop it in Santa's mailbox. We will make sure it gets to the North Pole for you.
West Monona FFA will be hosting a free will donation soup supper at the Fire Department. No need to worry about cooking that night and support this great group of kids.
West Monona Middle School Student Council will be hosting a canned food drive at the Fire Department that night. Please bring a canned food item or 2 to put in their box.